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Keira Roberts SI CHEM 1311
Session Times:
Tuesday 7-8
Thursday 5-6
Location: Math 334
Zoom Meetings
Here you can find my Zoom link, as well as recordings of the sessions (if there are no technical difficulties). Please ensure that your microphone is muted unless you need to unmute to ask questions or participate. Be aware of what your camera is showing, or feel free to leave it turned off. I will do my best to keep an eye on the chat, but you are more than welcome to speak up if I don't see your message. I will have the recordings uploaded as soon as possible after each session.
Tuesday, 2/18/25
Coming Soon!
Thursday, 2/13/25
Jeopardy: not visible on screen, but audio is available. You can play the game with this link.
Matching: 28:15
Tuesday, 2/11/25
Conversion Worksheet: 21:30
Chemistry Clues Activity: 54:15
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